Friday, February 25, 2022

MPN Foundation studying MPN disease progression

Understanding how ET and other MPNs progress to more serious illnesses--myelofibrosis or acute myeloid leukemia--will be a focus of the MPN Foundation in the coming years, Dr. Raajit Rampal (Memorial Sloan Kettering), MPN expert and advisor to the foundation, said in a Zoom program February 24.

The program was also sponsored by MPN Advocacy and Education International.

Dr. Rampal outlined the many questions that still surround progression in MPN patients: Why do some patients progress and not others? Can progression be stopped? Will patients continue to need treatment if disease progression can be halted? And at what point in disease progression should any new medications be introduced to avoid what Dr. Rampal called "clinical or financial toxicity," that is the patient's ability to tolerate and afford a med that halts disease progression should one become available?