Thursday, April 14, 2016

A cuppa cuppa cuppa cuppa cup

Happy Drogo's Day, patron saint of coffee, coming up April 16.

As far as I know, St. Drogo never drank coffee, but he was reported to have been able to bilocate, which means he could zip around in two places at once to multi-task, Hence the connection with the effects of caffeine if not the actual drink.

Anyhow, whether you're into Catholic saints or not, make this Saturday a day to treat yourself to an extra special blend or brew. I'll have one with you. It could be a thing! A Coffee-Drink-In shared with ET patients worldwide!

And don't forget to thank whatever Higher Power you believe in for that friendly cuppa joe that refreshes and enlivens.

Prefer to offer your thanks in song? Here's "The Java Jive" by the Ink Spots. Is there anything that these guys can't make better with their extra smooth latte harmonies? No. There is not.

Be well and pass the percolator!


  1. Reading the instructions on the script of this drug just could not see how I could put this in my body if I could not touch it without gloved hands. If it is dangerous to your hands what will i do to you insides.

    1. I presume you are talking about hydroxyurea, not coffee? :-)

      The answer I got from the pharmacist is you can touch the caps, but wash your hand thoroughly. You want to make sure no powder escapes from the capsules that can be breathed in, which is toxic. The gelatin capsules keep the med contained once you swallow it (promptly, lots of water), where it is safely digested in the stomach.

      Nurses routinely wear gloves and masks when administering chemo to many patients because they may be exposed to dozens of pills a day. I

      Talking to your doc, nurse, or pharmacist might help you put fears at rest.


ET is a serious disease that requires specialist care. Discuss anything you read here with your doctor. No comments promoting "alternative" or "natural" cures (yes, this includes Rick Simpson's Oil) will be published.