Tuesday, July 25, 2017

And now for some good news: Coffee!

Image result for coffee
Smile! Coffee's good for you!
I published my homage to coffee last year on St. Drogo's Day (St. Drogo is the patron saint of coffee). And by now you've probably read all the encouraging news about the half-million-man (er, person) study that showed coffee drinkers live longer.

According to a study published a couple of weeks ago in the Annals of Internal Medicine, of more than 450,000 people in their early 50s followed over 16 years, those who drank the most coffee were least likely to have died. Men seemed to receive more than twice the benefit of women from coffee drinking. Men who drank three or more cups of coffee per day were 18 percent less likely to die than men who didn't drink coffee. Women who drank the same amount of coffee were 8 percent less likely to die. 

What's most interesting about coffee drinking among women is that they were less likely to die mostly from circulatory problems. That means heart attacks, strokes, and clots--the things that tend to do those of us with ET in. Coffee drinking also seemed to protect against some gastric problems. 

Before you run out and load up on a double espresso creamy mocha with whip and chocolate sprinkles, remember that:

a) Coffee can increase blood pressure, so check with your doc before jacking up your coffee intake.

b) Cream and sugar can add fat and calories to coffee, and this could counteract its good effects. Want to make the most of coffee as a health drink? Drink it black.

c) Too much coffee (is there such a thing??) can cause anxiety and sleep problems. 

d) Don't forget to keep drinking water along with your coffee.

For me, coffee helps lift brain fog and offers an energy boost. I'm now on about 24-32 ounces of half-caf, which prevents my blood pressure from getting too high, but still gives me a nice little buzz. That's about the equivalent of two cups of coffee per day. On Sundays, I sometimes spring for a full-caf. But then I tend to yammer. Not that everything I say isn't totally interesting. Just ask the Other Person Who Lives Here.

If I go much beyond my regular intake, I can get the jitters or a headache. 

But, with your doc's OK, drinking coffee isn't going to hurt you, and might even offer some health benefits.

So enjoy and be well!

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